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Thursday Morning Quota Points

Thursday Mornings at 9:00, we will be having a 9 hole Quota Point format event. The first time you play, you will be establishing a "Quota" in which will be used to calculate your score at the end of the day. The cost of playing in the event will be $18 with $3 going towards prize money that gets paid out the day of. There will also be an optional $2 towards skins game.  BEGINS in May!

Although this meets weekly - it is not a commitment - come and go as you please on a weekly basis. 

If you have any other questions, please call Carl Hartman - 616-802-4800

Scoring goes as follows:

  • Eagle - 6 points
  • Birdie - 4 points
  • Par - 2 points
  • Bogey - 1 point
  • Double Bogey - 0 points
  • Triple Bogey - -1 point

Groups will be drawn by placing your golf ball in a bag and will pull out 4 at a time and that will be a group. It is an individual Quota Points Game, so you will be playing your own ball. Your Quota will be established the first week of play, 18 minus your 9 hole handicap. If you do not have a handicap, you will establish a Quota after the 1st week. Quota points will fluctuate up and down based on your performance to the actual goal. 


Will be made in the clubhouse after the end of play. Ties for 1st, 2nd, 3rd will be broken by toughest handicap hole, all other ties will split the pot. 

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Morrison Lake Golf Club
6425 Portland Road
Saranac, MI 48881